ROI Calculator for Assessors

Assessment Firm Savings with TCT Portal



Percentage Time Saved with TCT Portal:

Personnel Hours Saved with TCT Portal:

Personnel Cost Saved with TCT Portal:

Revenue That Could Be Realized With Saved Time:

Assessor Task
# of People
# of Weeks
# of Hours/ Week/ Task
TCT Portal Hours Year 1
TCT Portal Hours Year 2+
(Per Assessment)
Applicant Config & Maintenance

Configure collection instance and internal systems for unique Applicant

For each Applicant engagement, this is the time for setting up their instance where data will be collected. Often this is a configuration of a drop zone or a series of folders for them to store the requested evidence into that is publicly facing, but typically locked down to that particular Applicant for that particular year.

Pulling evidence from collection instance to internal systems

This is the time spent migrating the evidence from each Applicant from the publicly facing systems to internal storage locations. Often, the evidence has been sent by the Applicant to the Assessor through other means as well, including text messages, emails, voicemails, and through meeting minutes.

Applicant Meetings

Prep for Applicant meetings

The Assessor team needs to get organized and prepared for Applicant meetings, which will typically happen once a week, and possibly more often as the compliance deadline looms. This process will involve active reviews of evidence and status from Applicants, their Consultants, and or their vendors. The Assessor team needs to understand what elements and items remain for the Applicant team that are open.

Meet with Applicant

During the recurring meetings, this is a session for determining status of items, answering questions during the session, advising and discussing any rejections that are coming back to the Applicants.

Internal Meetings

Prep for internal Assessment Firm status meetings

During this time, the Assessor is preparing for their internal meetings, often with their peers, and whoever they report to within the organization to be able to provide a status update on the progress of the engagement.

Internal Assessment Firm status meetings

This is the time spent in the actual meeting.

Evidence Processing

Assessor review evidence

During this time, the Assessor will be reviewing various forms of evidence supplied against the target requirements. This could include policy reviews, screenshots, configuration files, meeting minutes, as well as interactive session results with the Applicant.

Reject evidence, including notifying Applicant via email, phone or meeting

For any items that require additional evidence, time is spent documenting the additional evidence needs, and notifying the appropriate Applicant team member that the item is coming back to them. These notifications could happen through email, phone, text, or in meetings.

Accept evidence, write report text and move to QA

Time is spent accepting evidence, writing the report text needed and notifying the QA department that these items are ready for final review.

Update tracking sheet

As items are moving up the workflow, being processed, and either rejected or accepted toward QA, all of these activities involve making updates to the central manual tracking sheet as a second step.

Answer Applicant questions

On every engagement, there are a series of questions from the Applicant. The vast majority of these questions are either the same or primarily similar as questions the team has received previously. It is infrequent that an Applicant is asking a net new question of the team. This is the time spent answering the same questions across each engagement.

Interviews & Onsite

Interview applicants

For each engagement, there are a series of interviews that need to be done with various members of the Applicant team, and this is the time spent performing those interviews.

Conduct onsite activities

On each engagement, there are a series of activities that need to be performed onsite, including physical security inspections, meetings with various members of the Applicant team for observations and executive meetings.

QA & Report Generation

QA activities reviewing Assessor inputs, evidence review

The QA team will spend time reviewing the final output from the Assessor team, and ensuring that the work performed and reporting content meet the requirements of the quality assurance department.

Prepare/complete final Applicant reports

This is the time spent generating the final Applicant report itself.

QA of final Applicant reports

Final validation that the report content is ready for external distribution.

Applicant Archiving

Archiving engagement upon completion

At the conclusion of each engagement, there are various archiving responsibilities to ensure that all elements of the engagement are preserved, and retained for a period of time.

Total Hours:


Assessment Firm Parameters

Average Hourly Personnel Cost:

Across the various personnel that are involved in your compliance engagement, estimate what their average hourly personnel cost would be. Keep in mind that an average annual salary individual will have just over 2000 working hours in a year, so a person that is $150,000 a year which translate to approximately $75 / hr. Take the average across all of your personnel, keeping in mind that the majority of the personnel involved will be higher, priced technical resources, with some being lower, priced non-technical resources.

Average Hourly Personnel Revenue:

Determine an approximate hourly revenue per person at the organization. In some cases, one can acquire the numbers by looking at total revenue, divided by the number of personnel involved, and the number of hours in a year. In other cases, depending on the business question, the business model is one where personnel are billed out at an hourly rate. A good rule of thumb is that most organizations will seek to monetize their personnel at a rate which is three times the hourly cost of that personnel.

Average # Engagements Annually:

This is the number of engagements your firm would typically perform each year. Depending on how you entered in the numbers into your various line items, if you enter those for a small to medium sized engagement, you may need to add a few extra engagements to make up for the handful of very large engagements that you do.
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