How much time and money could your company recover each year by using TCT Portal? You might be surprised! Use this ROI calculator to project the annual returns on your investment into TCT Portal.

Enter the actual man-hours per year that your company currently spends on each activity. Your first year of achieving compliance will differ from your ongoing compliance maintenance, so we’ve included two versions of the calculator.

NOTE: Be realistic with your numbers. Spend 2 minutes with each participant involved in your compliance to get THEIR numbers. Don’t forget your partners / vendors involved in the process. Fifteen minutes here and there adds up quickly!!

ROI in Year 1

TCT Portal

Status meeting prep work

Weekly meeting time

Creating a storage system from scratch

Developing a process for collecting evidence and tracking compliance

Evidence collection/tracking

Organizing evidence

Time discussing status with auditor

Total Man-Hours:

Annual Time Recovered:

Average hourly salary of employee doing compliance:


Annual Money Recovered
(requires "average hourly salary" input above):


ROI in Year 2 and Beyond

TCT Portal

Status meeting prep work

Weekly meeting time

Maintaining the storage system

Developing a process for collecting evidence and tracking compliance

Evidence collection/tracking

Organizing evidence

Time discussing status with auditor

Sorting through loose ends from last year

Total Man-Hours:

Annual Time Recovered:

Average hourly salary of employee doing compliance:


Annual Money Recovered
(requires "average hourly salary" input above):

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